The period of life one spends in acquiring knowledge in educational instutytuibs us caked student life. It’s the best part of a mans life.
Student life is the period of preparation. Life in this world is full of struggles. To win these struggles students must acquire proper knowledge and adequate training.
Duties of student life are many . but the primary duty of student life is to acquire knowledge. He should acquire all the knowledge that might help him when he will take position in society and shoulder many responsibilities. He should bear in mind that knowledge is power and without knowledge he cannot win the battle of life.
Knowledge is very important but character is more important. A learned man without good moral character is hated every where. He is no better than a best. But a man of character, even if without much knowledge, is respected by all around him. However, if knowledge and character combine in a man, he is held in great respect. So while acquiring knowledge a student must build up character.
Student life is the sowing season of human life. Students should study while it is time to study and play while it is time to play. To build oneself mentally as well as physically to shoulder the responsibilities of the future and face the challenge of life.
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